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InSPIRe @ Redlands

What is InSPIRe?

As the University of Redlands' open access repository of intellectual and creative work, InSPIRe serves as an online collection of select works by members of the University community. It was launched on August 26, 2013. The Armacost Library manages InSPIRe out of a value for equitable participation in scholarly communication. 


Why deposit work in InSPIRe?

Discoverability. Works in InSPIRe are discoverable by major search engines which increases the visibility of your work. Content creators who opt to share their work through InSPIRe can log into their InSPIRe accounts and view how often their work has been downloaded.

Systemic Equity. Making your research freely available to anyone with internet access, reduces financial barriers to information. This is particularly true with previously published scholarship often locked behind a paywall, rental or subscription fee. Moreover, legal deposits of previously published work to open access repositories like InSPIRe help address some of the legal and political mechanisms that favor corporations at the expense of scholars.


Who can deposit works in InSPIRe?

Students, employees, and others currently associated with the University may deposit work in existing collections relevant to them. Interested in creating new collections? View InSPIRe's objectives on the About page and speak with a librarian about your idea.


Where does InSPIRe work appear? 

The contents of InSPIRe are indexed by major search engines and open access tools including Unpaywall and OpenDOAR. This means that anyone with access to the internet can find a description of InSPIRe work by searching Google, Bing, and other search tools. Whether or not people are able to access more than the description and the file(s) itself in InSPIRe is determined by the content creator or the copyright holder of the work.


Why can't I access a file in InSPIRe?

As an open access repository of scholarly and creative work, InSPIRe aims to make information as open as possible and as closed as necessary. InSPIRe respects creators' rights and responsibilities to decide how open they want to make their work which means that not all information will be accessible or able to be downloaded. If you are interested in a work, contact or the Armacost Library to explore your options.


What does InSPIRe stand for?

InSPIRe is the acronym for Institutional Scholarly Publication and Information Repository.

With a value for free and open information, much of this digital collection is open access which means that anyone with a computer and internet access can access these items regardless of their ability to pay.